How do I find eBooks and other digital media?

Do I click Digital Media Services?  Or, are there other ways to find eContent?


Queens Public Library offers access to all different types of eContent (electronic versions of books, audiobooks, magazines, comics, newspapers, videos, movies, and music, as well as, digital learning resources) that can be viewed/played on a computer, tablet, or mobile device.

There are TWO WAYS to access eContent on our Website  (see below for info about our Queens Public Library Mobile App.)

1) To find eContent on our Website, simply go to the library’s homepage, click on "Search," and enter your keywords (title, author, subject, etc.), choose the category "Books, Movies, & More," and then click Search.

You can then filter by Medium.

  • eBooks:  Click Medium, Books, then eBooks.
  • eAudiobooks:  Click Medium, Books, Audiobooks (Browse for eAudiobook).
  • eMagazine:  Click Medium, Periodicals (Browse for eMagazine).
  • eVideos:  Click on Medium, Movies & TV, Streaming Videos.
  • Other eMedia are not searchable in the QPL catalog or mobile app.

2) From our homepage, click on “Books, Movies & More,” then “Digital Media Services.”  Here is where you can search for content directly though our vendors.

eBooks: Two primary vendors are OverDrive and Axis360.  You will also find the vendor, Hoopla, where you can find eComics and eGraphic Novels.  And additional vendors for students and eContent in Chinese. 

eMagazines: You can now access our primary eMagazine collection through OverDrive   – formerly RBDigital.  Once in Overdrive, choose Collections, then Magazines.  Or try out the Libby App (same content as Overdrive, just a different way of accessing it).  Vendors for Chinese eMagazines can also be found in the eMagazines vendor list.

eNewspapersYou can now access our eNewspaper collection through PressReader – formerly RBDigital. Click on PressReader Browse Titles or go to  Click Sign In (top right) and "Library or Group."  Search for Queens Public Library and click on it.  The first time you access, you will have to create an account.

eMusic “Streaming Music”:  We now offer two vendors for music, FreeGal and Hoopla, for accessing downloadable and streaming music.  Freegal limits you to 5 Song Downloads per week and Unlimited Streaming. (Available on your computer and via App on Mobile Devices.)  Hoopla counts each eAlbum towards your monthly limit of 5 titles (music, movies, comics, and television).

What’s the difference between Streaming and Downloading?  Downloading is capturing and keeping the file on a permanent basis. Streaming is accessing the file on a temporary basis, while being connected to the internet. Streaming gives you access to more music.

eAudiobooks: Our two primary vendors are OverDrive and Axis360.  You will also find vendor AudioBookCloud (by TumbleBooks).

eVideos “Streaming Videos”: We now offer two vendors for eVideos.  In OverDrive (not available via Libby app), choose Collections, then Videos.  Hoopla counts each eMovie and eTelevision show towards your monthly limit of 5 titles (music, movies, comics, and television).

Looking for special content that used to be available on RBdigital?  You can now access IndieFlix, LearnItLive, Methodize, Qello Concerts by StingRay, and The Great Courses under Extras in Overdrive's Libby app (Acorn TV is no longer available).

Queens Public Library Mobile App

First, download and install the Queens Public Library app (found on various App stores, such as Google Play Store).  Open the app and search by keyword.  You can change All Categories to the general category you are looking for, such as books.  After you click Search, you can then filter your results by clicking the Filter icon (top right).  Click on All Mediums to bring up various eContent choices, such as eBooks, and then View Results. 

Click Borrow on an item and it will tell you when it will be automatically returned.  Click Go to Downloads to find and download your item for immediate reading/viewing.  Click Continue to keep searching.

  • Last Updated Nov 25, 2024
  • Views 574
  • Answered By Lianna Kelly

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